Monday, 1 January 2007

January 1st 2007

I just did the first task re: Telnet and was exasperrated but so so fulfilled. I am learning by doing not just by reading/memorizing rote style.
This unit is definately outside the square in its arrangement.
This one task has thrust me full on into the internet world and I have discovered an observation.
Observation: The internet is not just for the "science conoscieti", but actually also an art form.

I am starting to see the beauty in the internet as an art form that is so complicated yet so simple at the same time.
Pure science/Pure art. I am falling in love with the experience.
The Internet has beauty when it is not merely a rigid structured set of instructions to be obeyed without question.
Telnet opens other possibilities.
Telnet allows us all to view behind-the-scenes. Access not normally experienced by us mere mortals who routinely and automatically type web addresses on a windows browser.
Telnet gives its user a cheeky glimpse into the world behind the browser.
There is something decadent and so fulfilling for a novice such as I, to access Deakin's library database while bypassing the handholding element of a web browser.
I can do it without the browser!!! If I can do it, anyone can!
A lot of blimps to still figure out- But the journey has just begun.

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